繁体版由台湾地区主教团礼仪委员会于 20 世纪 80 年代编撰而成,读经内容基于 1968 年译成的《思高圣经译释本》。
简体版由河北信德社于 2005 年出版,参考了大陆各地神长教友的意见而作了调整,读经、答唱咏、福音等部分内容与繁体原版不同。
依据本网站创始维护者之考量,本网站 “每日读经” 栏目与台湾、香港地区所使用内容相一致,源于《思高圣经译释本》通行于大中华地区,使用范围更广;另设 “周日读经” 栏目,遵循简体版《感恩祭典》之内容,方便堂内弟兄姐妹使用。
The Greater China continent uses two versions of Gan En Ji Dian (Festival of Gratitude), one in traditional Chinese and one in simplified Chinese.
The traditional Chinese version was compiled by the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference Commission for Sacred Liturgy in the 1980s, and the reading contents are based on the translated Studium Biblicum Version, completed in 1968.
The simplified Chinese version was published by Hebei Xinde Press (Faith Press) in 2005, which keeps Mainland China’s clergy and laypeople‘s needs in mind, modified. Therefore some parts, including readings, psalms, gospel, etc., are slightly different than the original traditional Chinese version.
According to this web’s original maintainer’s idea, the “Daily Readings” section uses the same contents as Taiwan and Hong Kong regions because the Studium Biblicum Version is widely used in Greater China. For the convenience of sisters and brothers in the parish, the “Sunday Readings” section is made using Gan En Ji Dian (Festival of Gratitude) simplified Chinese version.
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