Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent
恭读耶肋米亚先知书 20:10-13
耶肋米亚说:我听到了多少人私相耳语:“惊慌四起!你们揭发,我们就必对他提出控诉。” 甚至我一切的友好都在侦察我的破绽:“也许他会入彀,那我们必能制胜他,对他施行报复。” 但是,与我同在的上主,好像是一位孔武有力的战士,为此迫害我的人只有失败,决不能制胜;由于谋事不成,必蒙受极大的耻辱,永不可磨灭的羞辱。噫万军的上主!你考验义人,洞察人的肝胆肺腑;我既给你诉说了我的案情,愿你使我见到你对他们的报复。你们应歌颂上主,赞扬上主,因为他从恶人的手中,救出了穷苦人的性命。
Reading 1
A reading from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 20:10-13
I hear the whisperings of many:
“Terror on every side!
Denounce! let us denounce him!”
All those who were my friends
are on the watch for any misstep of mine.
“Perhaps he will be trapped; then we can prevail,
and take our vengeance on him.”
But the LORD is with me, like a mighty champion:
my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph.
In their failure they will be put to utter shame,
to lasting, unforgettable confusion.
O LORD of hosts, you who test the just,
who probe mind and heart,
Let me witness the vengeance you take on them,
for to you I have entrusted my cause.
Sing to the LORD,
praise the LORD,
For he has rescued the life of the poor
from the power of the wicked!
恭读圣若望福音 10:31-42
那时候,犹太人又拿起石头来,要砸死耶稣。耶稣向他们说:“我赖我父给你们显示了许多善事,为了那一件,你们要砸死我呢?” 犹太人回答说:“为了善事,我们不会砸死你,而是为了亵渎的话,因为你是人,却把你自己当作天主。” 耶稣却向他们说:“在你们的法律上不是记载着:‘我说过:你们是神’ 么?如果,那些蒙受天主话的,天主尚且称他们为神——而经书是不能废弃的——那么,父所祝圣并派遣到世界上来的,因为说过:我是天主子,你们就说:你说亵渎的话么?假使我不作我父的工作,你们就不必信我,但若是我作了,你们纵然不肯信我,至少要信这些工作,如此你们必定认出父在我内,我在父内。” 他们又企图捉拿他,他却从他们手中走脱了。
耶稣又回到约旦河对岸,若翰先前施洗的地方去了,并住在那里。有许多人来到他那里说:“若翰固然没有行过神迹,但若翰对于这人所说的一切,都是真的。” 许多人就在那里信了耶稣。
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John 10:31-42
The Jews picked up rocks to stone Jesus.
Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from my Father.
For which of these are you trying to stone me?”
The Jews answered him,
“We are not stoning you for a good work but for blasphemy.
You, a man, are making yourself God.”
Jesus answered them,
“Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, ‘You are gods”‘?
If it calls them gods to whom the word of God came,
and Scripture cannot be set aside,
can you say that the one
whom the Father has consecrated and sent into the world
blasphemes because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
If I do not perform my Father’s works, do not believe me;
but if I perform them, even if you do not believe me,
believe the works, so that you may realize and understand
that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.”
Then they tried again to arrest him;
but he escaped from their power.
He went back across the Jordan
to the place where John first baptized, and there he remained.
Many came to him and said,
“John performed no sign,
but everything John said about this man was true.”
And many there began to believe in him.