

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent


恭读户籍纪 21:4-9

以色列人由曷尔山沿红海的路起程出发,绕过厄东地;在路上人民已不耐烦,抱怨天主和梅瑟说:“你们为什么领我们由埃及上来死在旷野?这里没有粮食,又没有水,我们对这轻淡的食物已感厌恶。” 上主遂打发火蛇到人民中来,咬死了许多以色列人。人民于是来到梅瑟前说:“我们犯了罪,抱怨了上主和你;请你转求上主,给我们赶走这些蛇。” 梅瑟遂为人民转求。上主对梅瑟说:“你做一条火蛇,悬在木竿上;凡是被咬的,一瞻仰牠,必得生存。” 梅瑟遂做了一条铜蛇,悬在木竿上;那被蛇咬了的人,一瞻仰铜蛇,就保存了生命。

Reading 1

A reading from the Book of Numbers 21:4-9

From Mount Hor the children of Israel set out on the Red Sea road,
to bypass the land of Edom.
But with their patience worn out by the journey,
the people complained against God and Moses,
“Why have you brought us up from Egypt to die in this desert,
where there is no food or water?
We are disgusted with this wretched food!”

In punishment the LORD sent among the people saraph serpents,
which bit the people so that many of them died.
Then the people came to Moses and said,
“We have sinned in complaining against the LORD and you.
Pray the LORD to take the serpents away from us.”
So Moses prayed for the people, and the LORD said to Moses,
“Make a saraph and mount it on a pole,
and whoever looks at it after being bitten will live.”
Moses accordingly made a bronze serpent and mounted it on a pole,
and whenever anyone who had been bitten by a serpent 
looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.


恭读圣若望福音 8:21-30

那时,耶稣向法利塞人说:“我去了,你们要寻找我,你们必要死在你们的罪恶中;我所去的地方,你们不能去。” 犹太人便说:“他说:我所去的地方,你们不能去;莫非他要自杀吗?” 耶稣向他们说:“你们是出于下,我却是出于上;你们是出于这个世界,我却不是出于这个世界。因此,我对你们说过:你们要死在你们的罪恶中。的确,你们若不相信我就是那一位,你们必要死在你们的罪恶中。” 于是,他们问耶稣说:“你到底是谁?” 耶稣回答他们说:“难道从起初我没有对你们讲论过吗?对你们我有许多事要说,要谴责;但是派遣我来者是真实的;我由他听来的,我就讲给世界听。” 他们不明白他是在给他们讲论父。耶稣遂说:“当你们高举了人子以后,你们便知道我就是那一位。我由我自己不作什么;我所讲论的,都是依照父所教训我的。派遣我来者与我在一起,他没有留下我独自一个,因为我常作他所喜悦的事。” 当耶稣讲论这些话时,许多人便信了他。


A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John 8:21-30

Jesus said to the Pharisees:
“I am going away and you will look for me,
but you will die in your sin.
Where I am going you cannot come.”
So the Jews said,
“He is not going to kill himself, is he,
because he said, ‘Where I am going you cannot come’?”
He said to them, “You belong to what is below,
I belong to what is above.
You belong to this world,
but I do not belong to this world.
That is why I told you that you will die in your sins.
For if you do not believe that I AM,
you will die in your sins.”
So they said to him, “Who are you?”
Jesus said to them, “What I told you from the beginning.
I have much to say about you in condemnation.
But the one who sent me is true,
and what I heard from him I tell the world.”
They did not realize that he was speaking to them of the Father.
So Jesus said to them,
“When you lift up the Son of Man,
then you will realize that I AM,
and that I do nothing on my own,
but I say only what the Father taught me.
The one who sent me is with me. 
He has not left me alone,
because I always do what is pleasing to him.”
Because he spoke this way, many came to believe in him.